How Many People Are Living With Dementia?

We sat down with Rachelle Blough Kowalczyk to discuss the impact of CDP education on senior living environments in our new video series.
Let's Talk About Dementia-min (1)

In your experience, what percentage of people in senior living have some form of dementia?

If we know, even by location or an organization, who has those numbers. You know, people are waiting so long to move into Senior Living. So, if you are now in your early to mid 80s, we know that could be over 40%. So, I had the great gift, didn’t know at the time, I was going to help part-time in activities in the last year of my mom’s life in her building and it was an independent living and as a person just in the day-to-day. I truly felt like there could have been over 250 who needed support so just in that personal experience I think people are waiting a lot longer and we’re trying to help them stay independent and keep their current functioning as long as they can.

About the Author

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The NCCDP staff consists of a full team of experts in dementia care & education.

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