Certified Dementia Practitioner®️ CDP®️ Certification

Join the thousands who have completed the Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia training and the CDP® certification process. This certification is open to all healthcare professionals, front-line staff, and clergy who work in healthcare settings. NCCDP recommends that at minimum there should be one staff member per shift who is a Certified Dementia Practitioner®

Importance of the CDP Certification

What the Certification Represents

The CDP certification represents a commitment to excellence in dementia care. It signifies that a professional has undergone extensive education in the field and is dedicated to ongoing professional development through NCCDP’s educational opportunities and re-certification every two years.

Benefits of CDP Certification

  • Enhanced Skills: The training equips caregivers with advanced skills to provide better care.
  • Improved Patient Outcomes: Certified practitioners can improve the quality of life for dementia patients by adopting person-centered care approaches.
  • Career Advancement: The certification adds value to the caregiver’s professional credentials.

Shift from Caregiver-Centered to Person-Centered Care

Historically, dementia care focused more on the needs of the caregiver rather than the patient. Today, the approach has shifted to engage elders in their current reality to prevent agitation and confusion. This person-centered approach involves caregivers joining residents in their perceived reality. This reduces challenging behaviors and enhances the caregiving experience.

NCCDP CDP Certification Hero Image

Where do I start?

How to Obtain a CDP Certification

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Step 1

Complete the ADDC Seminar

Complete the live one-day ADDC Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Seminar. The ADDC seminar is the required course for those pursuing CDP certification. Follow the link below to view upcoming ADDC seminars.

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Step 2

Submit the CDP Application

Follow the link below to complete your online application for certification.

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Who Can apply?

Professions Eligible for CDP Certification

The CDP certification is only open to people living in the United States and who meet the qualifications for certification as a CDP. It is open to healthcare professionals, frontline staff, clergy, and other medical professionals who work in and around the geriatric healthcare industry within the United States. Applicants must have at least one year of paid experience in the field and meet state regulations for their position.

What Do I need?

Documents for Application

The CDP online application form requires you to upload multiple documents in PDF, WORD, or JPG file format. Please have available the following documents before accessing the online CDP application form.

Required Documents

Required for All Applicants

Certificate of Completion from the Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Seminar.

Required Documents

Supporting Documentation (ONE OF THE BELOW REQUIRED)

  • A copy of an active license or certification in the healthcare field
  • A copy of a college diploma or transcripts
  • A letter from an administrator if you are not required to have a license, certification, or degree to hold your position.

Renewal Process

Renew Certification

Login to your account and if eligible to renew, a renewal button will be visible on your account page. The renewal button will show up 60 days prior to the expiration date.

Companies that Invested in their staff

“Believe in the Power of Staff Education.”

Congratulations to the following companies for recognizing and valuing the importance of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Staff education. They have taken the additional step and invested in their staff credentials.

Memory Care Specialists: Training and Certification

Dementia Training Courses and Certifications

To become a memory care specialist, various dementia training courses and certifications are available. The ADDC Seminar is a fundamental course for CDP certification, providing essential knowledge and skills for dementia care.

Online Dementia Training Certification

For convenience, dementia training certification can also be pursued online. The NCCDP offers online applications and courses, making it accessible for professionals to obtain their CDP certification.


This certification is open to all healthcare professionals, front-line staff, clergy, and other medical professionals who work in and around the geriatric healthcare industry and have at least one full year of paid experience.

The cost for new applicants is $180.

If you have an ASSOCIATION DISCOUNT FORM you received from an ADDC Seminar presented at a conference & wish to complete the CDP initial application, the fee is $85.

For Corporate Group Applicants, the fee is $65 (minimum group size of 10 people).

Anyone can attend the NCCDP Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Seminar, but not everyone will qualify for certification as a CDP. Applicants must meet the following requirements to be eligible.

– Attend the ADDC (Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Seminar)

– Have at least one year of paid experience in the geriatric healthcare

– Qualify for their position with either a license/certification, degree


– Meet state regulations for that position without a license/certification or degree.

  • The CDP certification represents that the professional has received
    comprehensive education in the dementia care field.
  • The CDP commits to ongoing professional development through NCCDP Staff Education Week or other educational opportunities and re-certification every two years.
  • A CDP certification demonstrates your dedication to excellence in memory care.

The CDP certification is not a profession; rather it is a compliment to the professional credentials and training you already have obtained in your chosen profession and your choice to work with the geriatric profession.

Notice: While certification promotes and maintains quality, it does not license, confer a right or privilege upon or otherwise define the qualifications of anyone in the healthcare field.

All certifications are emailed to you. You have the option to request a hard copy for an additional fee.

If you live outside of the United States, you can still get certified as a CDP. Go to www.iccdp.net for more information and fees.

NCCDP now offers health care professionals who have received dementia or Alzheimer’s certification from a national organization and or University the opportunity to grandfather their application. This allows you to bypass the NCCDP Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Seminar.

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Links and FAqs

Information You Need & More About Being a CDP®

Click through the drop-down list to find answers and information about the process of becoming a CDP.

Certified Dementia Practitioner® CDP® for Groups

Organizations can invest in their staff education and certification.

Groups of ten.

The application fee is $50.00 per person USD.


Groups of ten.

The application fee is $50.00 pp USD.


  • To apply, the group administrator will go to https://portal.nccdp.org/certificate/cdp_step1
  • Select CORPORATE GROUP APPLICATION (FEE is $50.00 per person, a minimum of 10 members)
  • Create an account and select the number of people in your group
  • Enter each staff name and email address.
  • Check off the box to indicate the initial or renewal application
  • Submit payment


  • Each group member will receive an email with instructions to individually apply for the Certified Dementia Practitioner certification
  • The group member is issued a username and password and an e-mail is sent to each member.
  • The group member will go to www.nccdp.org/login
  • The group member enters the username and password that was provided in the instruction email.
  • The group member completes the online application and submits application for review.
  • The group member will have 21 days to complete the application. After 21 days, if the employee has not completed the application it will be deleted by the system. Employee will need to contact NCCDP for further action.